Size of pack:
Date | # | Hare(s) | Place | weather | Count | |
#1666 | Goofy and Rubber Glove | Ved Cafe Razz - Havnegade 40, Middelfart | 21 | |||
#1665 | Handy Bitch and Son of a bitch | Odensevej 156, 5500 | 18 | |||
#1664 | Foxy and Gorgeous Lilly | Vejle X-mas City - vi mødes på P-plads ved Region Syd (overfor Bryggen) | 23 | |||
#1663 | Fallen Madonna with the Big Boobies and Witchdoctor | Dalumskolen, Demantsvej 30, 5260 Odense | 17 | |||
#1662 | Mad Hatter | Kvickly carpark, som nu et blevet til Super Brugensen.😂😂 | 17 | |||
#1661 | Ayatollah and Mad Hatter | Danhostel BlåvandshukStrandvejen 1, 6840 Oksbøl | Dry | 60 | ||
#1660 | Rubber Glove and Troubadurix and Whingeing Wiking Witch | Danhostel Blåvandshuk Strandvejen 1, 6840 Oksbøl | 60 | |||
#1659 | Beer Barbie and Double Flipped Obelix and Ond | Danhostel Blåvandshuk Strandvejen 1, 6840 Oksbøl | Dry | 60 | ||
#1658 | Sweaty Balls | Nørre Alle 63, 8000 Århus C | Tøsne | 12 | ||
#1657 | Double Flipped Obelix and Spouse | Skovkrogen 44, 7000 Fredericia | 22 | |||
#1656 | Incontinentia and King of Sole | Hindsgavl Naturcenter Parkering plads, Galsklintsvej, Middelfart | 19 | |||
#1655 | Ayatollah and Buster and Mad Hatter and Prince Olsen | Super Brugesen i Egtved, Kirkevej 20, 6040 Egtved | 15 | |||
#1654 | Foxy | Frederiksbjerg Torv - ved pølsevognen | 20 | |||
#1653 | Beer Barbie and Ond | Parkeringspladsen ved Båring GF. Kærbyvej 2A, 5466 Asperup | 20 | |||
#1652 | Troubadurix and Whingeing Wiking Witch | Dagli Brugsen Brenderup, Stationsvej 22, 5464 Brenderup | 18 | |||
#1651 | Goofy | Goofy''s Hundehus (blåbærkvisten 3, Middelspeed) | 25 | |||
#1650 | Wee Willie Winkie | Nørre Lyndelse Vej 11, Odense | 17 | |||
#1649 | Ayatollah | Ravning Skovvej 3, 7182 Bredsten | Hopefully splendid | 20 | ||
#1648 | Foxy and Spouse | Parkering ved ungdommens hus, Norgesgade 46, 7000 Fredericia | 22 | |||
#1647 | Incontinentia and Rubber Glove | Staurby skov P-plads, medbring lygter | Sun | 20 | ||
#1646 | Beer Barbie and Ond | Højskredvej 4, Røjleskov, 5500 Middelfart | 21 | |||
#1645 | Spiderman and Sweaty Balls | Nørre Alle 63, 8000 Århus C | 16 | |||
#1644 | Spouse | Parkeringsplads bag fag og firmas klubhus, Hannerup Engvej 1 A 7000 Fredericia | Forhåbentlig solrig | 17 | ||
#1643 | Beer Barbie | Parkeringspladsen v. Kærvangen, Madsby Legepark, Fredericia | 10 | |||
#1642 | Goofy and Rubber Glove | Søbadet, Middelfart - Søbadvej | 13 | |||
#1641 | Kalle and Standup and Twiggy | Kløvervej 19, Kolding | 17 | |||
#1640 | Ayatollah and Gorgeous Lilly | Kvak Mølle vej, Skibet (se kort) | 14 | |||
#1639 | Troubadurix and Whingeing Wiking Witch | Føns | 18 | |||
#1638 | Sweaty Balls | Mosevej 8, Otterup. Hasmark Strand | 21 | |||
#1637 | Witchdoctor | Hegningvej 73, Odense | 19 | |||
#1636 | Spouse | Østerstrand, Fredericia parkeringsplads ved broen/Urbania Beachbar, nedkørsel fraØster Voldgade | Sommervejr, sol, torden, spredte byger | 19 | ||
#1635 | Bear and Sweaty Balls | Edelhofvej 15, Harlev, Århus V. | Dry🌞 | 34 | ||
#1634 | Troubadurix and Whingeing Wiking Witch | Hjørnet af Tybrindvej og Sandmarksvej, 5592 Ejby | Troube B-Day run = Supernice weather! | 18 | ||
#1633 | Foxy | Norsminde - P. Baatrupsvej 43, 8300 Odder | 11 | |||
#1632 | Beer Barbie and Ond | Sommerhuset - Vigen 8, 7080 Børkop | 18 | |||
#1631 | COVID-19 and Goofy and Rubber Glove | Skærbæk Lystbådhavn, Fjordvejen. 20, Fredericia | 23 | |||
#1630 | COVID-19 and Incontinentia | Live-hare i Staurbyskov p-plads | super godt | 22 | ||
#1629 | COVID-19 and Troubadurix | P-pladsen bag Cafe Razz, Havnegade, Middelfart | 26 | |||
#1628 | COVID-19 and Troubadurix | P-plads Ejby Station,Jernbanevej, 5592 Ejby | Hvem snakker om regn? | 28 | ||
#1627 | COVID-19 and Witchdoctor | Brugsen Højby | 23 | |||
#1626 | COVID-19 and Incontinentia and King of Sole | Toppen af P huset Havnegade 5500 Middelfart | 25 | |||
#1625 | COVID-19 and Spouse | parkeringsplads ved Madsby Legel.and, Lumbyesvej, Fredericia | Dry | 22 | ||
#1624 | COVID-19 | 21 | ||||
#1623 | COVID-19 and Sweaty Balls | Nørre Alle 63, Århus C. | 28 | |||
#1622 | COVID-19 and Rubber Glove | Middelfart Marina | 29 | |||
#1621 | Beer Barbie and COVID-19 and Ond | Parkeringspladsen ved kirken i Nørre Aaby, Kirkevej 45B | 30 | |||
#1620 | COVID-19 and Incontinentia and King of Sole | By bridge walking parking Middelfart Remember Flashlight | 22 | |||
#1619 | COVID-19 and Incontinentia and Rubber Glove | Røjleskov Kirke, Røjleskovvej | 26 | |||
#1618 | COVID-19 | 28 | ||||
#1617 | COVID-19 | 24 | ||||
#1616 | COVID-19 | 26 | ||||
#1615 | COVID-19 | 23 | ||||
#1614 | COVID-19 | 20 | ||||
#1613 | COVID-19 | 18 | ||||
#1612 | COVID-19 | 17 | ||||
#1611 | COVID-19 | 27 |